What is important to You?

Develop a Vision and Mission that work for you by acknowledging your passion, talent and values. To make it easier, get a nice notebook you can write in, and keep your notes to refer to later.

In The Business Mom Guide Book by Terilee Harrison, a diverse group of women discussed their personal visions for business and family. Many similarities exist among this group of entrepreneurs. Perhaps they wanted a home-based business to earn a living and still be available for their kids. In one case, the business grew out of a prior consulting endeavor. In another, the partners who started the company decided while work was the center and creative expression of their career goals, it was not the only life focus. Another woman discovered she loved event planning and it led to establishing an online wedding planning venture she could run from home and still address her family’s needs. What is important to you? Making money, having more freedom over your schedule, being on site for your kids? Whatever it is, write it down.

Many years ago I was invited to attend the Genesis Awards and met Gretchen Wyler, their founder, Chair of the event, and Executive Producer of the Genesis Awards television special. The Genesis Awards are presented annually by the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) to individuals in the major news and entertainment media who “shine a light” on animal issues. It’s the kind of gala you go to with plenty of tissues in your purse, because what you see is many times too painful to watch or listen to, and the reporters may have risked their lives to get the evidence of animal cruelty they present. Wyler recognized that if they were acknowledged for their efforts, they would be more likely to persist.

Wyler’s career spanned the Broadway stage, movies and television. Through her career she also worked tirelessly for animal welfare and animal rights. She stood for compassion for animals, in the work place and in the community. What do you stand for, and how does it relate to your business?

When you are called to action being aware of your values makes it easier to focus your energy on the things that matter, and let go of those that don’t. For example If you want to generate income, and resolve to do it honestly and with integrity, then you will know if something steps over the edge. You will recognize hype, and manipulation, and will resist using those techniques to make a sale. You will integrate your values into your decisions as a matter of course, and in all ways you interact with colleagues, customers, and prospects.

I was working with a group of people on an educational project, and they wanted to edit the work produced by someone else and use it in what they considered a “better” form. I asked if they had gotten permission to edit the work, and no one had thought it was necessary. As a creator of information myself, I was concerned that doing it without permission was an infringement of the creator’s copyright over the original material. I voiced my concern, and met with resistance, so I exited the project. What values drive you? When you are clear, right action falls into place.

Whether you are already in business, or plan to start a business, first get to know yourself better. Plan a solo date. Take yourself out for coffee, or any quiet place where you can be alone and ponder. If you have kids, now is the time to get a babysitter.  Take a notebook, and answer the questions without judging or censoring your effort. You can analyze it later.

  1. What is important to you?
  2. What do you stand for?
  3. What values drive you?

I value your feedback and comments.

Dr. Kaaren

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