Celebrate What You Can Do

Have you ever been caught in the trap of thinking you need to do everything?  In network marketing you are taught success comes if you do what you are taught and teach it to others. By implication you believe you can gather prospects, follow up with them, and bring them onboard by yourself or with a little support from your Upline. It’s simple. What they don’t tell you is they are getting help, and at some point, you will need it too.

In any home based business, you feel you must network, make the sales, and take care of the customers. But, what happens if the computer needs repair? You get a repair person, and you don’t berate yourself for not being able to deal with the problem yourself. So it is with other skills you need as a business owner. You may not have the skills to do all of them well.

What happens if you hit close to the target, but miss the mark? Do you beat yourself up, grab a bowl of ice cream, plop down in front of the TV, and pray it will all take care of itself? Or like one of my friend’s used to say in med school, “Climb into bed, turn up the electric blanket, and assume the fetal position until you feel better!”

Knowing yourself and your special set of skills is paramount to being successful in any venture. So let’s talk about that.

  1. Do you love meeting people in person, but hate talking on the phone?
  2. How many items on your “To Do List” require you to learn a new skill?
  3. Do you feel guilty or frustrated that you aren’t able to get everything done?
  4. How often are you willing to say “No” to another responsibility?
  5. Do you know anyone who loves doing what is challenging for you?

Only #4 above is a task you alone can do. No one in a brick and mortar business would consider opening the doors and conducting business without the support of anyone else. Part of your planning for success includes knowing what you do well, what you are willing to spend time learning, and what you can outsource.

For example, I have recently learned I can watch a video on YouTube and learn how to do almost anything. But…do I need to? Maybe it is better to congratulate myself on what I can do well, and find someone who can help me do things I don’t want to take the time to learn. Good rule of thumb: if it will take you hours to figure out, when someone else can do it in minutes, find that expert and pay them. The more time you waste, the less you earn. Focus on doing the tasks that only you are qualified to do.

While I am writing this blog post, my assistant is doing data entry for me. A great use of his time, and mine together.

What are you willing to outsource right now that would save you time? Would love to hear from you.

Dr. Kaaren

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