So far, we have talked about creating a Vision and Mission Statement for your business. Easy Peasy for those of us who enjoy writing, and find ourselves easily describing our goals on paper. If you struggle to describe exactly what you want more of in your life, try creating a Vision Board.
Every year I attend a Vision Board Workshop to give myself another way to keep my goals in front of me. I do the preliminary writing to clarify for myself what my new goals will be, but have added the workshop to my routine, because it works. If I can keep images of what I intend to do in front of me, I am more likely to accomplish what I set out to do.
If you haven’t tried this exercise before, here is a quick course in Vision Board creation:
- Get a big piece of poster board, or find a blank notebook. I have used both methods, so just find what makes more sense to you.
- Spend about 30 minutes or less, and tear images out of old magazines you have on hand that speak to you. Don’t think about it too much, just have fun with it.
- Organize the images in a large collage. If you are using a notebook, try using each page for a different topic.
- If you scrapbook, you can also put embellishments on the board or in your notebook.
- Watch your vision emerge through the images you have selected. You may get a clearer picture of a home, or car or a trip you are dying to take. Whatever screams “I’m for you!” Someday it may be.
If you have seen “The Secret” you may remember John Assarof describing how after moving into his dream home, his son found a box with an old vision board Assarof had stored. When he pulled it out, he realized he had just bought the dream home he had put on that vision board so many years ago. Yes, it really works.
Be sure to place your Vision Board somewhere in your office or other location that you will see every day. If you have chosen the notebook approach, be sure to look at it frequently. And allow yourself to feel the emotion of actually achieving your dreams.
To really take it with you wherever you go, take a photo of your poster board and use it as the Home Screen on your mobile phone. Then every time you open it, you are reinforcing your Vision in your subconscious.
Alternatively, if you have a Pinterest account, you can create a private Vision Board there with virtual images of things you want, or places you want to visit. Many young women use Pinterest to collect images of wedding ideas: cakes, dresses, hairstyles, and catering. Collect images from other pinners that exemplify some of the things or experiences you want for yourself. Using the app on your smart phone, you can take your Vision Board with you and review it any time you need to feel centered.
As always, I’d love to hear from you, and get your take on creating a Vision Board. Contact me at [email protected]
Dr. Kaaren