How do you make your customers feel?  And for that matter, what about the people you have just met?

When I go to a networking event, I enjoy finding out as much as I can about the people I meet, like who they want to meet at the event, or how long they have been in business.  Then I can help them, and whether they decide to use my services or not, they know I am looking out for their interests.

Wallace Wattles published his little book, The Science of Getting Rich in 1910.  If you are trying to remember where you heard about him before, it might have been in “The Secret,” a DVD that was promoted virally on the internet, and then became the first of a series of best-selling books by Rhonda Byrne.  In his book, Wattles talks a lot about working from a place of abundance, rather than a place of competition.  I know myself, this is something I need to remember.  As much as I can, I focus on helping others first, and letting go of comparisons of myself and my accomplishments to anyone else.

Take away point:  as Mary Kay Ashe said, imagine everyone with a sign on them that says, “Make me feel important.”  When this is your primary goal, “your business will grow.”

How do you show your customer you are advancing his interest?  Please share.

Dr. Kaaren [contact-form][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Website’ type=’url’/][contact-field label=’Comment’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]

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