New Book Available

New Book Available

Just learned my AHA Book, Organize Your Day & Desk is available online. Please check it out and give me feedback. This is a preliminary to the complete version I will publish in two smaller books, so if you want hints on how to better complete the goals you set, or want a more functional […]

Create a Vision Board

Create a Vision Board

So far, we have talked about creating a Vision and Mission Statement for your business. Easy Peasy for those of us who enjoy writing, and find ourselves easily describing our goals on paper. If you struggle to describe exactly what you want more of in your life, try creating a Vision Board. Every year I […]

Focus Your Vision Statement on the Future

Focus Your Vision Statement on the Future

What is the Vision Statement for your business going forward? Stephen Covey describes Vision as “…the ability to see beyond our present reality, to create, to invent what does not yet exist, to become what we not yet are.” If you have been following this blog, you know I have pressed you to take some […]

Why Are You in Business?

Why Are You in Business?

The first I ever heard about establishing a WHY in order to change behavior was when I joined Weight Watchers. My biggest concern was to look better at my medical school graduation. I was on a schedule and had limited time, and I knew those graduation pictures could haunt me forever if I didn’t do […]

What Are You Meant To Do

What Are You Meant To Do

As we start the New Year, it is an auspicious time to take a look at your goals and how to achieve them. (Wow, where have I ever heard that before?) But, seriously… Every January, I seek to look at what I have achieved in the past year, and to review my Vision and Mission, […]